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2-22-07 - The formation of a NEW Monterey Bay Regional WATER AUTHORITY was presented in a memorandum last Wednesday from the Monterey County Resources Agency and Monterey Peninsula Water Management to cities, public districts and government agencies. Dave Potter, Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors said a regional approach would make the area well-positioned to be competitive for water funding.
12-8-06 - Coastal Commission staff rejects the Cal Am Water Co's proposed experimental pilot desalination plant at Moss Landing. Commissioners will make a decision at their public hearing in San Francisco next week.
12-1-06 - State Public Utilities Commission approved a 20 PERCENT RATE INCREASE November 30th. Average residential water bill will go from $32 to $36. The rate increase was sought to cover infrastructure improvements in Cal Am's system and other expenses outlined by Catherine Bowie, Cal Am spokeswoman.
11-20-06 - California American Water Co.'s proposed RATE INCREASE is on December 14 agenda of Public Utilities Commission. Administrative Law Judge, Bert Patrick, proposed ruling recommends that the Company's "outreach" (publicity) costs" and project management (Coastal desal Water Project) costs could be recovered in the rate increase of up to 60%.
7-1-06 - A new report on the three proposed DESAL PLANTS was recently presented by Bookman-Edmonston/GEL, a consulting firm hired by the Monterey Peninsula Water District. The report covers: Cal-AM's Coastal Water Project, Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District's Monterey Bay Regional Seawater Desalination Project, and the Sand City Desalination Project. The District Directors had questions and comments but took no action.
4-13-06 - Super WATER BOARD being considered! Reps from eight cities, the County, the Army and 8 Special Districts met to discuss details per Dave Berger, General Manager of the MONTEREY PENINSULA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. "It's going to take a region wide cooperative effort to really come up with the best [water] solution" per Fred Meurer, Monterey City Manager.
3-02-06 - New Watermaster Board that was created by a court order to develop a plan to manage the Seaside Groundwater Basin still deciding who will represent each agency, company and city on the new board. Next meeting set for March 22, 2006 at 1:30 pm at the Oldemeyer Center in Seaside.
1-30-06 - Water District receives $497,000 grant from the State for the Peninsula-wide comprehensive plan to develop and manage water resources in the area. It is estimated the plan will cost $1.3 million.
1-18-06 - New Regional Watermaster Board established by Judge Roger Randall. CalAm Water Co., the Peninsula Water District, the County Water Resources Agency, City of Seaside and other cities and groups make up the new Board. They have three years to establish a groundwater management plan and supplemental water supply. A reduction in pumping water from the Seaside Basin aquifer is also required. The new ruling sets safe pumping levels of 5,600 acre-feet per year which is 500 acre-feet less than the maximum pumped in recent years.
1-08-06 - NEW AQUIFER STORAGE ACTIVITY - CARMEL RIVER WATER RECOVERY PROGRAM. Recent rains produced enough water in the Carmel River to allow the Water District and Cal-Am to resume the recovery program at the Seaside aquifer. The aquifer storage program is the only new water source the Water District and Cal Am have developed since the 1995 State Order for Cal Am to severely reduce pumping from the river.
10-04-05 - CAL AM wants "interim rate relief" to cover the cost of PROPOSED DESALINATION PROJECT. Cal Am officials and other interest parties to convene in San Francisco on Wednesday, October 5, 2005 to set up a public hearing schedule with the P.UC law judge for the company's proposed rate increase.
9-10-05 - Some Water Board directors criticized Board Chairman Larry Foy and Manager Dave Berger for making decisions without their input.
9-09-05 - Discussion of local water issues will follow free showing of film "Thirst" at Monterey Public Library on Sept. 14th.
9-09-05 - MPWMD Board members want a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on proposed desal plants. The Thursday MPWMD workshop revealed that a secret draft agreement on a proposed "regional governance board" for a desal plant has been circulated to various county groups.
9-7-05 - Monterey Peninsula Water Management Board will hold a public workshop tomorrow, Thursday, 9-8-05 on POTENTIAL NEW WATER SOURCES and Board responsibilities.
8-5-05 - Peninsula Water Management District has scheduled a PUBLIC TOWN HALL MEETING to discuss water supply project plans. It will be on Thursday, August 25th at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 1441 Canyon Del Rey Blvd., Seaside from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Project proponents will display exhibits with information on their water supply plans and the public will be able to ask questions. You may send your questions to the District at Your questions must be received by August 19th. |
7-19-05 - MPWMD deferred taking action on wording for a Ballot Measure on potential takeover of Cal Am's Monterey Peninsula Water system by the public. The Board will meet again Thursday (or Friday 7/22/05). The Measure is only to ask the public if they want the MPWMD to pursue an investigation of a takeover. It is estimated it will cost the District--and the public--about $50,000 to place the item on the ballot.
6-21-05 - The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board voted Monday to place an item on the November ballot that will ask the voters if they should "be directed to investigate the cost and process to publicly acquire" California American Water Company's local water system.
6-14-05 - On Thursday, June 16, 2005, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District board of directors will hold a public workshop. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm at their office, 5 Harris Court, Building G, in Ryan Ranch. |
5-14-05 - The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District will have controversial issues on the agenda at their Monday, May 16th Board Meeting including potential governance structure for a regional Desalination project; Cal Am's operation of the Seaside Basin aquifer storage and recovery project; and a possible advisory ballot measure.
3-22-05 - Updates on various Desalination projects presented to the Monterey Peninsula Water Board directors but no action by the Board.
The Board discussed Orange County's recycling project which includes injecting highly-treated wastewater into the groundwater aquifer for later extraction for drinking water. Cal Am's "Coastal Water Project" is on track. Their applications are expected to be filed withthe PC in June. Pajaro-Sunny Mesa's project is also moving forward.
3-16-05 - Two Central Coast groups, one in Monterey and another in Felton, say California American Water Co. is trying to block potential takeovers of local water systems through legislation that would rewrite the state's eminent domain laws.
3-08-05 - California Public Utilities Commission expected to turn over future authority for imposing water moratoriums to Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.
peninsula users for complying with the State Water Board Order. |
October 2004 - Summary of action being taken on improving the Wastewater Reclamation Plant/System for Del Monte Forest. The Independent Reclaimed Water Users Group (IRWUG) is working with Pebble Beach Co., Carmel Area Water District, Pebble Beach Community Services District and the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District on an amended Agreement for sale (or purchase by Golf Club users) of improved recycled water.
10-12-04 - Water Management District held a very effective Strategic Planning Workshop for the Directors, the Staff and the public on September 29th. Eileen Goodwin, the hired Facilitator, conducted an excellent workshop meeting. The October 1st weekly letter to the Board of Directors written by David Berger, MPWMD General Manager, covers the September 29th workshop which included issues relevant to the Planning and Engineering Division. Of particular note was a presentation of the consolidated matrix comparing water supply alternatives and responses to the Board's questions. The Board determined that it would delay making a decision on which desalination project to pursue to allow the County of Monterey and Pajaro/Sunny Mesa CSD to develop information in the next 90 days. A Summary of the full day's workshop discussion will be available within a few days at the Water Management District Office, 5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA 93943. Phone: 831-658-5600
10-10-04 - PUC and Administrataive Law Judge rule Cal Am Co.'s application for desalination project in Moss Landing is inadqueate. Application lacked required evironmental assessment. Cal Am Water Co.'s prposed partnership with Monterey County is also in limbo. For more information, click on "Water board opposes Cal-Am's moratorium" news story in the July 20th Monterey Herald on their website, (external link). |
9-23-04 - Many object to Cal Am Water Co.'s application to merge the rate structure of its recently acquired Felton Water Co. with their Monterey rate structures. Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, (MPWMD) joins Santa Cruz County and Felton residents in protesting the plan. The protest by the MPWMD also objects to the fact that Cal Am has filed individual applications on a number of issues recently, rather than filing them together in its broader "general rate case", due in December.
7-20-04 - Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board voted 6-1 at their Monday meeting to oppose Cal-Am Water Co.'s plan to request a moratorium on all new water connections. Earlier this month, the utilities commission ordered Cal-Am to apply for a moratorium within the next 90 days as a condition of emergency rate increases for big water-use customers that took effect early this month. The State Water Resources Control Board would play a major role in determining who would be affected by a moratorium.
6-27-04 - State Assemblyman John Laird proposes a two-part package to address the Peninsula water problem. Assembly Bill 2918, if approved, will allow desalination plants in California to have access to cheaper energy. Bill 1300, if enacted, would make provisions for planned water for affordable housing and sets a deadline for the peninsula water district to produce a new water project to meet the peninsula's need prior to 2010. Assembly Bill 2918 passed the Assembly and is now before the state Senate. AB 1300, recently proposed by Assemblyman Laird was in response to Sen. McPherson's proposed legislation to dissolve the Peninsula Water District which failed to pass the State Assembly.
6-24-04 - Sen. McPherson's Bill to dissolve the Peninsula Water Board failed to pass the State Assembly Committee on Local Government. New legislation proposed by Assemblman John Laird. (See below)
6-22-04 - New legislation on destiny of Monterey Peninsula Water Management District proposed by State Assemblyman John Laird. His proposal would revoke the District's water-development authority if it has not approved a new water project to meet the Peninsula's needs by 2010. Sen. McPherson's bill that would dissolve the MPWMD is scheduled for vote by State Assembly Committee on Local Government on Wednesday.
6-22-04 - Cal-Am Water Co. faces steep fines for exceeding pumping limits on the Carmel River. MPWMD announced it was moving to Stage 3 water conservation levels. This could lead to fines for residents who do not follow rules on watering lawns, washing driveways and maintaining their plumbing, etc.
6-16-04 - Counterproposal by John Laird to amend McPherson's Water Bill rescheduled for June 23rd by State Assembly Committee on Local Government. Sen McPherson's proposed legislation to dissolve the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to be amended by Assemblyman John Laird. This counterproposal is expected to be available for review by Monday, June 21st.
6/13/04 - COMMENTARY - For and Against Sen. McPherson's Water Bill SB-1529. Dissolve Monterey Peninsula Water Management District? Or let the District Directors continue their work on improving and restoring the Carmel River environment and keep the system that gives voters the right to vote on major water projects. Read the 6-12-04 COMMENTARY - "The Case For And Against McPherson's Water Bill" on the Monterey County Herald website,
6/12/04 - Peninsula Water District would be dissolved if Sen. McPherson's Bill, SB 1529 is approved in Sacramento. Large group of developers, construction companies and city mayors lobbying for eliminating the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. Read the 6-12-04 story "Water-district wars heat up" on the Monterey County Herald website, (external link) Also read the news article, "TOUGH TEST AHEAD FOR BILL TO KILL WATER DISTRICT" in the June 11, 2004 print edition of the Carmel Pine Cone. |
6/10/04 - Experts warn that the lower Carmel River could go dry upon hearing Cal-Am reports that lower production of water from wells in lower Carmel Valley may require additional pumping. Darby Fuerst, senior hydrologist for the water district said, "The river's receding--caused in part by pumping." "They don't have a problem yet, but they're worried about what to do if we have a particularly hot weekend and a well failure." As the river recedes, Fuerst said, the water district,aided by volunteers, has been rescuing juvenile steelhead trout, trying to stay ahead of the river's decline..." Read the 6-10-04 story "Carmel river trickles to crisis" on the Monterey County Herald website, (external link) |
6/08/04 - State Sen. McPherson's bill scheduled for Assembly's Local Governments Committee June 16. City Mayors support the bill which was amended in January to fully dissolve the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. Supervisor Dave Potter, who sits on the water district board thinks the proposed new Bill is unnecessarily divisive. He said, "I don't think it is right at this time and that it takes away the public's right to vote on a water project." He said the board is moving forward toward a water solution with the newly elected directors.
6/08/04 - New General Manager for Water Management District selected. David Berger from San Ramon to replace Fran Farina whose contract ends on June 30th. Berger's appointment must be confirmed by a full District board vote on June 21st. Berger, 52, has about 25 years of experience as a city manager in Union City, Piedmont, San Bruno, Hesperia and Buena Park. Alvin Edwards, Chairman of the Board, predicted Berger's appointment would be approved on June 21.
5/20/04 -State Sen. Bruce McPherson introduced new legislation on May 25th amending his pending bill. The amendment calls for eliminating the current Monterey Peninsula Water Management District in seven months. The bill McPherson introduced earlier this year would have put Mayors of Peninsula cities in charge of the water agency. The new amendment would wipe out the Water District effective Jan 1, 2005 and let local political processes decide whether and how to replace it. Read the May 26th story "McPherson proposes dissolving water district" on the Monterey County Herald website, (external link) |
5/07/04 -State Senate Committee passed Sen. Bruce McPherson's new revised Water Bill, SB 1529 on May 6, 2004. |
5/2/04 - Owners of exclusive housing developments want to "detach" their land from the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. Tehama's owners, Clint Eastwood and former wife, Maggie, and Monterra's owners Roger and Basil Mills don't want the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to oversee their exclusive housing developments. Read the May 2nd Monterey Herald Editorial, "Water district should oversee developments" at, (extermal link). |
4/23/04 -State Sen. Bruce McPherson's bill, SB 1529 which is the new version of his older SB 149, was approved unanimously at a Senate committee meeting on April 21, 2004 Click HERE to read the April 23 Carmel Pine Cone story, "Senate Bill to revamp water board progresses; district hires lobbyist" (on this website). Click HERE to read the full text of SB 1529 and its history and current status. |
4/21/04 - Water district to hire lobbyist to oppose McPherson bill The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District will hire a consultant to lobby for the district in Sacramento and oppose a bill to change the water district's rules. The district's board voted 4-2 to spend $40,000 to hire the consultant to monitor the progress of state Sen. Bruce McPherson's bill to replace the district's board of directors with a panel of mayors or city officials and a Monterey County supervisor. The bill would also strip district's residents of the right to vote on building a water project, though it would preserve the right to vote on a bond measure to fund a project's construction. They also voted to send a letter to McPherson articulating the district's opposition to the bill and appoint a special committee to work with the senator on revising the proposal. |
4/04/04 - McPherson legislation opposed by water board. Click HERE to read the March 23rd Monterey Herald news story, "Mayors may get weighted votes on water" (on this website) or (extermal link) |
March 23. 2004 - McPherson legislation would put peninsula mayors in charge of the water district. The bill is scheduled to be introduced to the Senate on Tuesday. It is reported that the lobbyist who is writing the bill is Jeff Gilles, of the local attorney firm of Gilles and Lombardo. Click HERE to read the March 23rd Monterey Herald news story, "Revamped water bill met with criticism" (on this website) or (extermal link) |
March 23, 2004 - News about Monterey Peninsula Water Management District- The MPWMD office has advised us that on April 22, the Board will review another reading of the proposed Ordinance #109 covering a District agreement with PB Co. to permit the sale of "entitled" water to Forest property owners. This revenue will be used to finance improvements to the existing WASTEWATER RECLAMATION SYSTEM for Del Monte Forest. The Board will also review three other separate agreements with organizations in the Forest that are now using reclaimed water for golf courses On May 27, 2004 the MPWMD Board will hold a special meeting to consider adopting a second reading of Ordinance #109 and if agreed, approve this Ordinance. Alvin Edwards, Chairman of the MPWMD has requested the staff to research the possibility of hiring a Consultant to represent the District in Sacramento. The Consultant if hired, would keep the water District informed about developments in the state government that could affect the water service on the Monterey Peninsula. Read the Monterey Herald March 22nd story on "Water District Looks at Hiring Lobbyist". |
December 16, 2003 - New Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors voted unanimously on Dec. 15th to reconsider Pebble Beach Co.'s plan to sell "entitled" water to finance improvements to existing WASTEWATER RECLAMATION SYSTEM for Del Monte Forest. The plan, covered by a proposed new Ordinance # 109, was approved by the old Board members last month, but it contained several items that were not acceptable to the PB Co. and a group of independent golf course owners in Pebble Beach that need improved recycled water. Some of the unacceptable restrictions in the proposed Ordinance are:
The proposed plan will be reviewed in March, 2004 after the district's staff works out problem issues with PB Co, the Carmel Area Wastewater district and the groups of independent golf course owners in Pebble Beach. Click to view "New Board reconsiders P.B. plan" article from the Monterey Herald (on this website) or (external link) |
November 25, 2003 -Pebble Beach Co. plan to sell "entitled" water approved with restrictions by Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Directors. This plan is expected to produce revenues to finance construction of improvements to the existing Wastewater Reclamation Project that is producing unacceptable salty water for the Del Monte Forest golf courses. The new Ordinance No. 109 is expected to be reconsidered by theMPWMD Direcctors very soon when the newly elected Directors are seated. Click to view the complete story in the Monterey Herald November 25, 2003 story - "Pebble Beach plan to sell water passes" (on this website) |
November 24, 2003 - MPWMD Autumn 2003 Newsletter provides new information on Moss Landing and Sand City proposed Desalination Plants and other general Water Board matters. See Page 1 of the Newsletter (below). Click HERE to read more information on Desalination Issues (on this website) You may call the District office at (831) 658-5600 to obtain a copy of this Newsletter. Click on each one of the four separate pages (below) of the MPWMD Autumn 2003 Newsletter in PDF format (on this website)
Or click on for more information (external link) |
5th votes established three new Directors for the Board. The
MPWMD Board will include the following Directors beginning
December 15, 2003. New Division
5 - Larry Foy (replacing Zen Hensen) Remaining Division
1 - Alvin Edwards Other
Remaining Mayoral
Representative - David Pendergrass |
September 26, 2003 -Water fight heats up - DISTRICT SUES FOR CONTROL OVER SEASIDE BASIN- Monterey Herald The MPWMD has filed suit to authorize it to manage the water in the Seaside basin. This is a counter move to a lawsuit filed last month by Cal-Am. The Seaside basin supplies between 25 and 40 percent of Peninsula water. Cal-Am claims it has "prescriptive rights" to the water since it has been pumping water for five years according to a legal doctrine that if a group that uses a resource for a long time--with or without approval--eventually gains legitimate claim to that resource. The district claims it has been managing and frequently studying the basin for seven or eight years for the benefit of the public. The hearing on the district's intervention into the lawsuit is tentatively scheduled for October 17. For details read the September 26th story in the Monterey Herald. |
August 30, 2003 - Sen. McPherson's Bill SB 149 (to replace the Peninsula Water board) died in the Assembly Appropriations Committee - Monterey Herald
July 27, 2003 - Fran Farina, acting General Manager for Monterey Peninsula Water Magagement District, and others plan to meet with state's Public Utility Commissioners in August to discuss proposals to build desalination plants in Moss Landing and Sand city. Click HERE to view Herald news story of July 27, 2003 (External Link) |
30, 2003 - Water
board looks at new ballot issue -->
(External Link): |
30-July5, 2003 -
transfer ban lifted, but not much |
Comments and Letters to the Editor - Monterey County Herald
Click on the title to read the whole letter